Monday, May 17, 2010

after... the laughter

It's no secret I love dolls.

So to bring the smile back to my face I actually purchased a life size doll just for the fuck of it. You've seen her here before. I have no affiliation with the doll company, so you won't be seeing my photos on their website (besides the owners son is a professional photographer). She is a "Lillith" doll, from and I bought her in January while my world was crumbling around me. Retail therapy helps, and anybody who says otherwise is an asshole. So I bought the doll and she is my number two favorite.

her name is Heather, ya' know...

In case you were wondering who my favorite is, my "top doll"... her name is Kristin (named after somebody very special to me) and she is a Realdoll 2.


Oh, and her boobs. I love her boobs too.



MJ said...

LOL @ the boobs comment, but I can see why! :-) XO

Anonymous said...

Beautiful doll. Z

jsan said...

i love lillith too!!