Tuesday, June 17, 2008


The above photo is an art model; brilliant and brave, Tia. Who looks to be won over by Jaime "the RealDoll" Anderson. I don't think Tia likes these photos very much....

but I do.


private said...

Just curious here, but what do you think Tia does not like about the photos?

Stacy Leigh said...

eh, I was paranoid....turns out she likes em' after all.

Orixx said...

She loves them ;)

dfklldoind said...

You blur reality with photos like these....bravo.


UIPHOTOS - Ultimate Imaging Photography said...

I have always luved what you do and now I have heard wonderful things about YOU first hand..

I luv what you and Tia captured with these..

She often inspires me.. :D

Richard Edward Horner said...

I just wanted you to know that your blog is one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Very nice photos. Next time make it a bunch of male Real Dolls cornholing each other.

Mitch Haase

Webspinner said...

Good to see you here...I have been a fan of your work and your realdolls for a long time. Funny thing, before I scrolled down I was thinking, "I do" before I read your writing....good she likes them. Anyway, I am on blogworld now, so it is good to start linking to all the fascinating people I have met online in the last few years. Sincerely, Lapis, Webspinner, MM.etc.