That fucking SUCKS. But I still look pretty darn good!

So I have been feverishly working on the book, and am nearing completion. I have added some really naughty stuff as well as some Realgirls posing with the Realdolls. I'm looking forward to finishing it, and at the same time I am sad. I am sad because I have made a decision to sell the big boobed doll upon completion. There are many reasons (heavy) but the most important one, is that her leg is broken (at the hip), and I just don't want to cut her open and fix her. It's too hard and I am terrible at performing doll surgery. I tried to fix Taylors vaginal tear (Taylor is the small boobed doll- my favorite) and ended up butchering her so much so- that her vaginal modeling days are OVER!!! Someday I will give it another go, but In the meantime it doesn't matter- because I have plenty of photos of her crotch before I pulled a Dr. Frankenstein.
So let's discuss Howard Stern, because I know you are probably wondering what happened with that. As I suspected- they declined because I don't have a relationship with the dolls and I don't fuck them. I admitted (to Will the segment producer) to getting horny when I photograph them, but why would I tell him details. He's not Howard Stern. Anywhoo, the day after Will emailed me to decline, they had some pig on the show who puts a dildo in her ass and you play ring toss with her....gross. And it's shit like that, that's killing his career and in turn Sirius stock price. I swear I would short Sirius stock if it wasn't already a penny stock.
All we can do is watch Howards career circle the drain...
Don't be sad for me- trust me it's his loss (I was going to bring two HOT 20 something year old models with me who would've taken off their tops! I told Will, but that wasn't enough). In liu of the HS rejection, I was invited to participate in "Harvest 07". Harvest is an 'R' rated erotica art show, that takes place this October in Atlanta....I am very excited!!!! I will be in good company with some amazing talent- namely Aaron Hawks. The man is a fucking genius, so creative and just amazing. I can't wait to meet him!!! In fact, I may purchase one of his prints. Really sexy stuff.
Well, I am off to search the NYTimes real estate section, our lease is up soon and I want a big ass loft dammit!!!
I don't have much else to say...
Well, you might hate me, but I am glad to hear about HS rejection.
You really don't need that kind of exposure. Your skill deserves better.
And, in 25 days it would be nice to treat us with a birthday photo of you. :)
it is all good sweetie!
cant wait to see the Doll Series at completion!
Miss ya!
Your much better than The Stern circus anyways. Let your photographc art speak for you..and all will be fine.
Let me know how the show in Atlanta goes..and Aaron Hawks?..he is the best!!! And a great guy as well (met him in SanFran last year). Remember, the invite for the Dirty Show is still open...see you then.
Keep on Keeping on...
Now see, I thought people wedging dildoes up their back passages and playing ring toss would be the exact sort of everyday fare that would be on Stern's show. Shows you how much I know!
Stacy, look at it this way: being rejected by Stern is rather like being thrown into a pit of lions, and the lions refuse to eat you cos you're not meaty enough. Wait, that's a horrible analogy; strike that, reverse it. But you know what I mean. You don't need to rely on some shock jock tosser to sell your excellent photography...
Sorry to hear about Taylor and your Body 5. :-( Maybe Slade can work his magicks on Taylor?
As always, can't wait to see that book, as that pic is fantastic...
And 36, eh? 36 is closer to 20 than it is to, say, 60, so quitcherbitchin'. I honestly thought you were younger!
Shi-chan and I send our fondest regards, of course. ;-)
You're 36? You are thirty-sex? Not to worry, you're still a hot 36 with skills to boot!! But I don't need to tell you that. Keep up your passion for photography and it will keep you young for years to come.
Keep up with the blog, I love the way you think, beauty and brains.. but i didn't need to tell you that did I.....
Happy b-day to you, happy b-day to you......
Hi Stacy!
Great little blog you got here! I wondered why you haven't been on the Forum. You're persuing your dreams! Photography like yours deserves hardcover publication.
I wouldn't consider HS a rejection. It's more like dodging a bullet. Not the best venue for serious exposure.
I too am sorry to hear about Tabitha's hip. Penelope is one of the last dolls with a plastic hip, and I'm dreading the inevitable. Tomorrow is her one year anniversary with me, so I have some photography to do for he anniversary post.
Sorry that I don't live closer, I could do the repair, but from what I can gather, to do it right would take 2-3 days with proper cure time. I've walked people through major repairs via PMs(Svetlana's 3rd back surgery). If you change your mind and decide to try it, I'm happy to help!
And Happy Birthday young whippersnapper! In about a decade you'll catch up with me! Oh, wait, I'm a moving target. You'll always be the picture of youth to me kid!
I agree with all that was said about the howard stern issue.. trust me, its a total blessing in disguise.. u can now continue getting the right kind of exposure, and he can continue having crappy guests.. by the way, ur actually leaving ur outrageously gorgeous spacious awesome place?? omg nooooo!!! i have to visit at least 5 more times before u move, deal?
PS - If you don't want that loose silicone cunt, give it here! that thing is sooo fun to play with ;D
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