Monday, April 27, 2009

Anti Matter...

I am.

I have a new doll on the way. She is my first Black doll with a lovely head I've named Monica and an alternate head (that is an Indian/Bollywood head) whom I've named Tara.

I have to tell you, I haven't shot any people lately. Initially I wanted to wait until after my heart surgery because I won't be able to lift the dolls for the four months following the surgery (my husband will help me out thankfully). I figured during that time, I would concentrate mostly on shooting humans. Until then- it was to be all dolls all the time. Basically take advantage of my strength while I've still got some! But now I am starting to feel my depression lift and I find the need to have somebody stunning (and breathing) in front of my camera. I am going to call on my two favorite models, and ask them to shoot with me (separately).

One is the stunning Ami. You've seen her photo here a bunch of times. I am enamoured with that womans natural beauty. Her face is Swedish perfection and she is a wonderful person to boot. The other model is Cristi (pictured above). I adore her. Gorgeous, lithe and dangerously intelligent, I love to photograph her. She is edgy and fashion all at once and lest I forget, sexy as hell...

* (in my best old timey gangster accent) the above photo is Cristi smoking all seductive like, see.


MichaelV. said...

Good for you, your depression is lifting. It's not the end of the world thank goodness, only a small bump in the road of life. I wish you the best. Have a great shoot!

Tanya said...

Happy Shooting, can't wait to see some new work from you.

Davecat said...

'I have to tell you, I haven't shot any people lately.' Sounds like something the Zodiac Killer might've said at one time. :-)

James M Graham said...

That's one of the most beautiful photographs I've ever seen. And it's got nothing to do with - you know...

The_N_Word. said...

Monica? You shoulda named your black doll Nerlande!

xoxo love u

Steve Spickard said...

You are an amazing artist. Thanks.

Regarding matters of a healthy Heart: You are fortunate to live in NY, close to the best most honest health practitioners on the planet, Dr. Gary Null. You can learn a great deal from his site: and/or

You can listen to hours of lectures etc. and/or go to his health food store. At 86th and Broadway I think.

Kindest regards,